"No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else's draft." (H G Wells)
Copy editing
My speciality is economics, and currently I work as an editor for the Centre for Economic Policy Research, where I am one of the team that edits the articles written by its economists, and the Office for National Statistics, helping its authors to write a text book for undergraduates. I have also edited several economics books, including the English translation of Economics for the Common Good, by Jean Tirole.
Ghostwriting and collaboration
I have also worked as a collaborator or ghostwriter on many books and articles. I can’t tell you about the people whose names appear on the cover (it’s a contractual thing) but, if you want to write a book and you need to talk in confidence, contact The Robert Dudley Agency.
Talk Normal
My list of entertaining books about copy editing is short. But right at the top is an excellent book called Talk Normal. I’m biased: I wrote it.